
  • 토익스피킹 part1 꿀팁모음
    S T U D Y/English 2021. 1. 31. 14:09

     첫 포스팅을 토익스피킹으로 시작한다...!!!!!!!!!!1

    제발 2021년엔 다른 소속으로 내가 있길 바라며 하나씩 점수 준비를 시작해본다.

    너무 고였다 그치..? 이제 탈출할 시기야,.....

    토익스피킹 -> 토익 순으로 시작한다,.. 영단기 1년 프리패스 끊어놓고 5강듣고 안들은 나 반성해!제발!

    일단 목표를 토익스피킹 일주일 완성으로 도전한다 ㅎ^.^ㅎ...18일날 시험을 목표로......

    할 수 있겠지.. 2017년 10월에 딴 점수가 아무짝에 쓰지도 못 하고 날아가서 아쉽다 . . 

    그 때를 돌아보면.. 평일 6시반~8시반 까지 2시간정도 수업을 했던 것 같다.

    독학 토익스피킹 하루 2시간씩 조져보자!!!!!!!!!!!!!그땐 2주동안 했는데,,,크흠,,ㅎ 어쨌든 화이팅 나의존재...


    일단 강의는 그냥 영단기 토익스피킹에 있는 제이정으로 선택 ! ! ! 교재 없이,,, 그냥 입으로 떼운다..ㅎ^^

    그리고 복습은 오만 콘텐츠의 근원인 유투브로 해보겠다 ,,,,, 블로그에 필기해야지 *^_^*


    ■ part1 억양 / 장음 + 단음 / 의미 단위로 끊어 읽기


    3. 억양

     1) A, B, and / or C

       - A, B, and C (C에서 내리기가 핵심 ! )


    * 10

     We have exquisite patings, sculptures, and photographs. ● 

     Our products are healthy, delicious, and afforable.  

     If you want to know about our trainers, programs, and sports facilites, please press one.


    ( => 문장의 끝이 아닐 때, 쉼표하고 뭐 더 나오면 둘 다 내려버려~!)

    Call us for information about our business hours, directions to the store, and upcoming sales.



    4. 장음 / 단음

     1) 장음 : 입 모양 옆으로 길~게, 소리도 길~게 !

    * 10

     Please make sure that you are not leaving any of your belonging.  

     Please feel free to ask one of our staff. (연습하기 좋은 문장)  


     2) 단음 : 입 모양 거의 그대로 유지, 소리는 짧게 !

     Do you want to get rid of it? [리뤄빗] 

     This is your chance! [디시즈]


    5. 의미단위(Chunk)로 끊어읽기

     1) 쉼표에서 반 숨, 마침표 등 문장부호 뒤에서는 한 숨 끊어 읽습니다.

      => 단어 뜻, 지문 뜻 뭔지 몰라도 읽었을 때 제대로 전달 되어야 함.

     Work on this area will continue through the weekend.

     After we have a break, we will bring you the weather report.


    Thank you for attending today's presentation on customer satisfaction. ///// 

    Our first speaker, [얼펄슷ㅌ스피컬] // Melissa King has published a new book on using technology to satisfy consumers. ///// Her talk will be focused on recent business trends including internet businesses, // new software, // and online resources.[앤돈라인리솔시즞] ///// After the talk, // she will take questions from the audience. ///// please join me in welcoming Ms. King.


     2) 문장이 길어서 한 숨으로 읽기 부담스럽다면 전치사, 접속사, 동사, 관계 대명사의 앞에서는 끊어 읽을 수 있음.

     Thank you // for attending today's presentation // on customer satisfaction.

     Melissa King // has published a new book // on using technology // to satisfy consumers.

    Her talk // will be focused // on recent business trends // including internet businesses, 



    ■ part1 발표+연설 / 날씨 방송


    유형 1 : 발표 / 연설

    Thank you for attending today's presentation on customer satisfaction. 

    Our first speaker, Melissa King has published a new book on using technology[테크"날"라지] to satisfy consumers.  Her talk[거의 타크] will be focused on recent business trends including internet businesses, new software[섭웨얼], and online resources[언라인리솔시스]. After the talk, she will take questions[쿠웨스천] from the audience[아리완스]. please join me in welcoming Ms. King. 


    * 발음조심 * 

    The MGD [디 엠쥐디]

    The one [더 원]


    유형 2 : 날씨 방송

    Here's your Channel Seven Morning Weather Forecast. Sunny[강하게 발음!!!쒀~~니] and breezy weather conditions will make it a great weekend for outdoor activities[아우또어랙티비리스, 연음으로 .. ] such as picnics, sports and barbecues. Enjoy the great weather while it lasts[와륏래스츠]. Starting from Sunday night, temperatures will drop drastically[쥬뢉 쥬래스컬리] and by Monday Morning, thunderstorms are likely to occur in several areas[쒜베뤄레어리아스].


    ■ part1 투어안내 / 광고


    유형 3 : 투어 안내 


    Welcome to the Riverside Adventurers Tour[토얼] of Garden Springs. In just a moment[인저스터모멘ㅌ], we'll be arriving at our first stop, the famous Garden Spring's waterfall. You may leave any of your belongings[벌렁잉ㅅ] on the bus as we explore[익스플로어ㄹ] the varous sites, Please do not hesitate to approach me with questions, observations, or suggestions throughout the tour.



    exploration [엑스포레이션]


    유형 4 : 광고

    Attention Waterfront Office Supplies customers. We have great offers going on in all departments this week. Be sure to check out our special deals on computer chairs, desks, and cabinets. What's more, if you sign up to become a member, you'll receive[뤼시-브, 입을 O모양으로..] discount coupons[쿠판즈] in the mail each month. Come to Waterfront Office Supplies this week and take advantage of the incredible offers! [테이커드배니지업디인크레러블어펄스]


    ■ part1 교통방송 / 자동응답 메세지


    유형 5 : 교통방송


    Now, it's time for the traffic report. Morning commuters should expect delays[익스펙딜레이ㅅ] on Route 50, Third Avenue and Jefferson Bridge. However, the traffic is expected to thin out by 10 A.M. Since major downtown construction is expected to be finished soon, delays should decrease noticeably in the near future.


    Expect - 잌스

    Expectation - 엨스

    Exp 로 시작하는 단어들--> tion 들어가면 엑스라고 발음. tion말고 동사되는건 익스로 발음됨.






    유형 6 : 자동응답 메세지


    You have reached[뤼--치d, d는 바람소리처럼] the Digital Dreams Computer School. We offer classes in video game design, computer networking[넷월킹], and information technology. Unfortunately[언폴츄내읻을리], our offices[어피시스] are currently closed. To speak with a representative[레프리제니ㅂ], please call back between nine A.M. and six P.M. on any weekday. For detailed information about our[디텔드닌포메이셔너바우다얼] courses and schedules, please visit our website.


    Our hours[알 아월즈] are from 8 am to 11 pm


    'S T U D Y > English' 카테고리의 다른 글

    토익스피킹 part2 꿀팁모음  (0) 2021.01.31


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